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Default Jun 19, 2016 at 07:32 PM
I've had what I now know to be mania induced from SSRI's a few times. At the time, I didn't know I was manic, just thought I was cured. I ran around doing crazy things with my mouth flapping away with rapid speech but had no idea it was mania or bad. I thought the depression was gone and I was happy. Paxil and welbutrin both did this. Prozac had me manic and angry and I told my doctor but this was when it first hit the market and doctors didn't know manic response could happen from SSRI's or at least my doc didn't know. No psychosis from SSRI's that I'm aware of..... I do that part all on my own I guess.

I'm so sorry all that happened to you. I bet your doctor didn't even warn you when he prescribed the meds. They should tell everyone who takes these meds to be watchful. That would be the responsible way to prescribe. Big hugs to you.
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