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Default Aug 05, 2017 at 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Quarter life View Post
Work is Work. Those who opt to flip burgers and prepare fast food to support their children, rather than drawing a welfare cheque.... are hero's one & all in my opinion.
I was in no way trying to insult those who work fast food.

I was insulting the bullies who end up working fast food or becoming drug and alcohol addicts or criminals or whatever else solely because of their own bad choices.

Yes, some people are forced into unfortunate life circumstances that causes them to have to work at fast food or retail for a time; these people I have respect for because at least they're trying to get by on their own. Those who have to work at fast food because they made a bunch of poor choices and ruined their life all because they were a piece of crap cowardly bully who hurt many innocent people don't get any sympathy nor pity from me.

Bullies who end up being forced to work at a job that most people would hate that they would likely be miserable at and looked down upon by society when they used to put down people who they deemed "weaker" or "worse" than them is nothing more than an act of justice in my opinion.

I am normally respectful to people who work fast food because I know that nobody in their right mind would want to be there, however, if I ever met one of my former bullies at a fast food joint taking my order, I would delight on tormenting them as they did me back in the day just to make them hate their life a little bit more all while grinning wickedly at the fact that they can't retaliate out of fear of them losing their job.
Thanks for this!
Medusax, yagr