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Default Apr 26, 2018 at 06:39 PM
Artchic wrote:
Is it because men are so used to being in control that they fear losing it and thus, losing what identity they've come to relate to? Is it because society as a whole has been male dominated for so many centuries that progressing it to that where men and woman are equal that the very idea of change scares them? Don't you think that after millennia of their being men in charge, that it should be a woman's turn? Why are men so not willing to share with women in the "power department"?

I'm genuinely curious about this. Why are men so completely threatened by a woman who is dominate in both the work place, and with her own sexuality?
The most popular academic in North America is a psychology professor named Jordan Peterson. He is white collar, academic version of Trump. He believes birth control has ruined western civilization because it allowed women freedom to have sex more freely and not be forced into becoming a mother. That Marriage and the basis of a family is the back bone of society. He also believes that women shouldn't wear lipstick in the work place on video. Because the redness reflects the rush of blood going to the lips when having sex.

Jordan Peterson got popular when in a youtube video he told his students that he would not call a person by their chosen pronoun, he would either label them male or female based on their sex at birth. He believes that these gender norms of male masculinity and old fashion feminine were built to protect society and families. Young men then went in droves to his youtube videos and follow this man closely. He gets $50k a month just by Patreon, where followers donate money to see his exclusive material.

All of this is Jordan Peterson rationalizing his extreme misogyny. He is an example of toxic masculinity and droves of young men are going to hi,m because he's the only one seeing that there is an identity problem with young, white men, and no one else is stepping in. It crushes my heart because he is such a terrible role model.

Entity makes a lot of sense, but i think we should take a step back and ask how the metaquestion of how we got here. Because of globalization the unskilled factory jobs aren't here anymore. Because the minimum wage is rarely raised setting it at not even $8 they aren't finding good jobs. Previous decades had pay checks that were worth more, and the middle class was thriving becauser of these factory jobs. The middle class has been thinning for decades and even government workers with a college degree are being forced out of it now because of the trickle down economic theory that promised "If you lighten the tax burden of the rich, then they will give it to their workers." This has proven not to work, and the rich just keep the money. At no point in history have the top 1 percent held this much, and the youth are displaced now, they can't buy homes and they feel they are missing out and white males males feel like they cant provide like they once were. So young, white males are making less and are growing up in a more and more multi cultural society, and the rich, who have bought the government, point to the poor people on welfare, and blame the poor (who probably just make minumum wage thanks to the government setting the bar so low) for the place that young, white males are in now. And this is the back bone of the rust belt vote for Trump.

Like Entity says, "Theyve been conditioned", in a world where it was once better economically, and now you see this antimulticultural movement by Trump, his anti immigration policies, his slurring of peoples' religion. Social programs when FDR introduced them were HUGELY accepted, but now young white males see people of color on them and scream and shout about them now that we live in a more multicultural situation, even though white people use them more than any other skin tone.

Young, white males feel they built this country because of this beleif of "whiteness as a powerstruccture" due to their ancestry, which is a terrible idea. And now because they've had a taste of what globalism is forcing them into economically, they are pushing back. That's why they feel threatened in general. With the internet came the TODAL DEMOCRITATION OF KNOWLEDGE, it was the second coming of the book With this great power light has been shed on how bad our societal norms are, and this makes them feel uncomfortable too.

Often in history there is an a movement with an idea, then a countermovement, and finally a synthesis that brings it all back together. There is reason in history. The patriarchy has been around since ancient greece started Olympianism, which toppled the older, more feminine, cthonic religion they had. If you want an example of the old religion just look at Euripides' Medea as the older more cthonic religion, and how Ancient Greece saw it as dangerous and dark. But as women have been given the vote, as women been given birth control to control their reproduction, as women go to colleges in droves to shape the future, and inspire and start to push back, that patriarchy is being checked for once. THIS IS A HISTORICAL MOMENT. Men now have to take responisbility, right now men are falling left and right, but i believe men should just admit all they've done and ask for forigveness just as Al Franken did. I find it tragic that he was not forgiven after pictures of him touching a womans chest who was wearing a kevlar vest in a comedic pose, and he was labeled under the category of Weinstein and Cosby.