Thread: An Audi TT
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Default Jul 16, 2018 at 05:21 AM
Every one seemed to be in two minds about my breakdown. When we seen my aunt and her radiator pal In the pub when on a night they kept repeating that we all need a man like Fred. We need a man like Fred. This made me feel rotten like I wasn't worthy of some one "normal" now. If I had cancer they would have congratulated him for doing the right thing. But everyone EXPECTED him to leave. Not one person would have criticised him. Even though the doctor was more than positive I would get better and could still aim for a career and wondered if I still spoke to friends. I could go back to education and meet new people. Everyone thought Fred was a young man with his whole life ahead of him. Why should he stick by me? I never asked him to stay and that's the gods honest truth. I said I only wanted a friend.
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