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Default Dec 30, 2018 at 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sans Nom View Post
Sometimes I wonder if I could have lived my life differently given my total state of being at the time. Now I wish I have lived it differently based on the outcome I see, but at the time I didn't know or see clearly. We cannot change the past, and we hope to learn from our experiences, but what if we cannot change our destiny, and we are who we are supposed to be, and we do what we do based on our current conditions? It's nice to believe that we have control, but what if we don't?
It's a good question SansNom. With regard to past choices, I tend to believe that I made the best choices I could have at that time, given who I was back then and what I did or didn't know then. We all make mistakes. That's human. And regret has no value. You are still alive therefore you can make new choices and alter your path. I believe it is never too late to live a life of intention. There is certainly a random aspect to the Universe...we cannot know all the issues that will crop up in our lives. Our control is in how we respond to the random events. Hence, the life of intention. Personally, I think that's probably a more likely path toward peace and inner joy as opposed to believing that everything was already mapped out and there is nothing we can do about it...that sounds really depressing to me.

There's an ongoing debate about free will among philosophers etc. My thought is that we each must develop and follow our own belief system. I am not religious but I believe that myself and all the other beings are part of rich and complex Universe. What is your belief system? Or maybe that's what you're trying to figure out. Someone recently recommended this book to me: 'The Denial of Death' by Ernest Becker. I think it might help you. Check it out online and see what you think.

Best wishes to your on your quest for truth and enlightenment. One thing I have learned in my life: if in doubt, opt for the more optimistic outlook. The research on pessimists vs optimists is very powerful. Guess who has better health, longer life expectancy, healthier relationships Be well.
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