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Default Feb 04, 2019 at 08:33 AM
As far as always being on the go, create routines and follow regular cues like a time of day with more or less traffic, church bells, set your own alarms, even heating a 10 minute pizza could provide structure to your day. The more habits that you create, the more you can focus on the task your working on. When out of the house- always make sure you are well fed. Bring a few snacks and know where local eateries are. Become a regular customer where you like to eat and take time to fuel yourself before studying and exercise (even if that is only walking to class). Put a bell on your bike or create a jingle with your keys, if it helps the time pass. Do less and take in more of your surroundings, but try not to be rude to others who enjoy silence. Those are my suggestions.
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Thanks for this!