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Default Mar 17, 2019 at 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Calypso2632 View Post
So my periods have never been regular, but they did come fairly regularly.. sometimes at the 4 week mark, sometimes 5, sometimes longer. Sometimes in between. But now I'm noticing I'm not buying products as much. Or using as many. My period was never super heavy to begin with but now it's pretty mild. I think it's been about 6 weeks since my last. I'm obese so that probably contributes. I've always had hot/cold issues my temperature is never right!! I had a tubal ligation like 7 years ago so pregnancy is out. Yes it can happen but seriously, I doubt it.
I'll only be 37 this fall.. I thought this stuff happened later in life.. I have no one to go over this with. Don't talk to my mom, and she had a full hysterectomy when I was young. So..
Maybe my sister has some insight. We are only half siblings and not close tho. Ugh.. health matters are hard when your family is shot..
Hi Calypso. Good question. Periods can become irregular or lighter for lots of reasons. Not necessarily menopause. And yes, you are young for that. It does happen early in some cases but that is rare. I used to have very irregular periods and migraines. Then I started having regular acupuncture treatments from a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor (PhD). My periods are now like clockwork and the migraines stopped completely. If your hormones are out of whack, it can affect you in various ways. The problem with traditional MDs is that they have a tendency to take extreme measures first rather than as a last resort; that can cause more problems. This is why I favor a holistic approach. It has helped me tremendously with my emotional and physical health. You mentioned being overweight. Hormone imbalance could be a factor there too. I recommend doing a search for a TCM doc. You might be amazed.
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