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Member Since May 2017
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Trig Apr 29, 2019 at 12:41 AM
I was involuntarily hospitalized for nearly two weeks recently, not because the doctor had any real reason to section me. In fact, I had done or said nothing whatsoever to even give any semblance of a reason to suggest I was a danger to myself or others.

And, in fact, I strongly suspect it was because of his own investments. According to an article I read, he has 50% stake in the psych hospital that he sent me to through his investments. He's on the board of directors, and he hasn't even tried to hide his potential "conflict of interest".

Anyways, I chose to see another doctor recently, because the meds he gave me were making me WORSE, not better. So, anyways, when I didn't show up to the appointment because I had cancelled it to see a different doctor instead, he had me sectioned for being potentially a "danger to myself and others".

He had no evidence for this, and he falsified medical reports in order to allow this hospitalization to take place. This "doctor" is getting ready to retire, and according to what I read from his reviews, he has done this to other patients as well. Apparently, this is basically his MO nowadays. Likely to essentially funnel people into the hospital to create a spike in the value of the hospital's stocks in order to profit.

Unlike what he said, I had no intention of causing myself harm. Nor was I "out of touch with reality and potentially a danger to others". He simply invented these things when I chose to get a second opinion and not see him. And hospitalizing me (and his other patients) allowed him to profit. Because he thinks he will never face consequences for doing this (and unfortunately he may not, because who would believe someone like myself on any of this).

And he likely figures he'll drive as many people to the psychiatric hospital in question to boost his investment. I read my records from the "appointments" that I had with him, and they are completely false. Totally fabricated. He said things like that I arrived at appointments, "delusional and agitated" and that I "showed aggressive tendencies". Complete fabrications.

In three months, this guy is going to be retired anyways. So, it seems doubtful to me that anyone would even take what he's done seriously and look into it, since soon he won't even be a psychiatrist anymore. Another two other doctors that work for the hospital may be retiring soon as well it seems, as they say on their website (they work together as a team) that they'll be "no longer offering his services" in the next few months.

These three doctors are the main doctors who run this hospital. And it's clear that they're using their "private practices" to illegally section people and falsify records in order to send people there. And while I was there, I was treated horribly by the staff. For the 8 hours after I arrived, I was left in a room with no windows or lights, put in a straight jacket, and given no food or water. Complete sensory deprivation. The room was freezing cold, and prior to putting me in there, they doused me with ice cold water.

A woman I met in the day room at this facility said that she was being repeatedly gang raped by the staff. And when she attempted to file a report about this incident, she was beaten and thrown in a freezing cold room with no lights or windows for nearly 48 hours and had ice water dumped on her. There were supposed to be cameras there, but the staff would conveniently "turn them off" whenever they did these atrocities. And then it was all deniable.

Also, while I was there, a young man attempted to change the channel on the TV. He didn't realize it, but some of the staff were watching the same station. This was right in the day room. I could see the cameras quickly being turned away when the staff began to confront the man. His "punishment" for changing the channel...… they sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. And put him in sensory deprivation for 24 hours.

These atrocities have gone on unchecked for God only knows how long, and it has probably been going on for much of the "careers" of these 'doctors' running the place. The way that they run the place, there's no way to prove it. Like I said, the cameras somehow "malfunction" whenever anything happens.

And there's no way to prove it, thus this is all just allowed to continue because after all, who would believe someone like me over a "doctor". After all, I'm just a "crazy person" and people would just say I was delusional and 'imagined' all of this. So, they just get away with these horrible atrocities.

Last edited by Monkey1111; Apr 29, 2019 at 12:54 AM..
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