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Default Jun 22, 2019 at 01:22 PM
I want to share with you something I've discovered for myself, trying to cope with pain. I'm sure that it won't work for everyone, but will definitely work for some of the people who's reading my post.

It helps me with any kind of pain, both emotional and physical. Anxiety, depression, rumination, as well as intense headaches and others.

Look at this article: 11 Chronic Pain Control Techniques

Just try out every technique that is described there, and I believe you can find something that will help you to cope with your own pain way easier. For me, it's "altered focus" and "symbolic imagery", depending on type of the pain.

It doesn't help me to do something while I'm in pain, but it makes the suffering much easier.



I'm suffering from some kind of mental illness that make me feel emotional pain just for no reason. Also, I have very low pain tolerance, so when I experience even a middle or over-average pain, such as intense headaches, stomachache, etc., it can make me feel extremely depressed and suicidal, as well as makes me cry a lot.

So I find it very helpful to focus on altering sensations of my body parts (e. g. warming up my hands) when I'm in pain.


Feel free to ask, if you don't understand how to use these techniques against your type of pain. For example, it's a bit confusing to people to understand that emotional pain is just like any other pain. However, it might be incorrect for you, but in my practice, I always feel anxiety in my chest and stomach, so I can handle it as a physical pain. The depression I feel in my head and chest, but it's totally different sensation, comparing to anxiety.

Haha, hope no one here will blame me for advertising the website I just googled a week ago, and is on the 4th place in the Google by request "coping with chronic pain".

Cheers! And less suffering.
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Thanks for this!
Blknblu, Raindropvampire