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Default Aug 20, 2019 at 07:18 PM
So I am back again at this post. I didn't get the secret but I had a few people recommend the audiobook of "the power" a sequel to the secret. As I listen to it and read some of the reviews I am torn. Again a bit of a doubting Thomas. The author Rhonda Byrne is a scam artist. I read previous books of hers that basically said nothing. But just because she is a scam artist doesn't mean that what she is saying isn't true. Indeed the law of attraction goes back to ancient cultures. There are a ton of reviews and they are all five stars. A lot of people think it works. But a lot of other people point out it can simply be what we want to happen so we look everyplace to make it true. And truly, if we can manifest our lives than how does that work with people? Like tonight my train broke down. Did that happen because of me or some one of the other 700 passengers.

And a lot of what the book talks about is, for me, just hard to implement. Like "Spock" I don't find feelings helpful. I am not a feeler. I am a thinker. Has always been that way. But this book goes on in terms of manifesting in terms of love. But what is love? That is difficult for me to do period so I can't love everything to make it happen. But I know there are people who live their lives as "feelers" so is that the people who love this book? Also in general it is hard for me to be positive and think on the bright side.

At the same time though my life never really gets better. It isn't bad, just, blah. Average if you will. And if I was to think about how I am as a person I think that is what I am. I am average. I don't love but I have some compassion... I make some people happy... some not... I have fun with my cat sometimes, sometimes I yell at him. Just average... and that is how my life stays, fair to middling.

But another thing that has me thinking about it is that despite taking definitive action that SHOULD have resulted in me having a much different life, I have the life I always thought I would have deep down in my brain. What deep down in the back of my head I thought would happen, happened. And it has been that way my entire life. When I was a young girl in the back of my head I had deep thoughts like, I will not go to the prom, and I didn't... even though.. objectively that was kind of amazing. I was pretty and thin and had a good social group who all did go to the prom. But it just didn't happen for me... and I always thought it was weird that I thought that for most of my young life and it happened... same with the rest of my life, I took action to get advanced degrees but still end up in jobs where I am not really in charge of anything because, I think deep down, I don't think I should be. Same with me joining the condo board.. I am the most advanced person on it, but no one listens to me, because deep down... maybe I don't think they should.

I think that our minds work in overdrive when we want something. We plan it out. We think about ways to make it happen.
I think no .. what I was talking about is there does seem to be evidence that people can sort of make things happen without action. There is the circumstantial... such as the Titanic hits an iceberg after the cruze line goes on about being unsinkable and hits that iceberg in just the ONLY unlikely way, that would cause it to sink... and there are the studies -- some listed above that have shown conclusively (and usually they did not set out to prove this) that mind action alone can change things - such as the one I talked about with three sets of people all trying to be free of OCD and the only ones that showed a change in their brain's physical make up were the ones that concentrated their minds.
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