Thread: Dark sleeper
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Default Nov 08, 2020 at 09:55 AM
It sounds like I am talking about every upstairs neighbor ever but no - I believe she practices a demonic cognition/possession exercise…not in an artistic way or to raise awareness. I don't take to this offense personally because outside of this type of practice she seems like a normal person. She is very level-headed, she seems patient, listens and adjusts well. I am not sure I will ever be able to associate with someone who uses this type of practice to their benefit. Part of me believes it is better not to talk about it - out of sight, out of mind. She is not working for my attention, and I cannot give that to her. I am very upset because when I let my guard down, it does feel like she is putting her hands on me, literally when I walk outside her air conditioner drips down over my door. I have to believe she holds a similar offense towards the landlord. Why do we push people to feel so trapped to behave this way? Is her work not fulfilling enough for her?? What will she do if given the opportunity to retire early. I can't even think about becoming healthy enough to return to work and bring this type of evil with me. I am truly sorry for bringing this type of baggage with me. In one sense, my offenses are and have always been harmless,. Should I be accountable for someone above my level of understanding. Ive been told I don't understand the evils of the world and that this is the world we will in. I can't find a compromise with myself. I can accept this in others but not myself. I believe I would rather put a steak through my own heart than the alternative.
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