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Trig Aug 02, 2018 at 08:32 PM
I’m not sure why exactly I went in search of forums. Maybe because I need affirmation of something I already know? Maybe it’s because I want to be told I’m wrong? Whatever the case may be, I know there are three sides to every story- here’s mine in a nutshell.

My husband and I have been married for two years. We’ve known each other for eleven, sparsely dated (if you could even call it dating) when we became roommates because we both needed a roommate and where we live, rents are insanely high. I always knew deep in my gut it was never meant to be but he always chased after me. Even when we were just “roommates” I had saw immediate signs of emotional abuse. It’s more of narcissism that controls his every move. His anger is far out of his control and he speaks to me as if I’m beneath him. About four months into living together we had gotten pregnant and while I didn’t want to marry, he thought it was right thing to do and so I went along with it. All through my pregnancy he was emotionally abusive, and still is to this day. I’ve tried on many occasions to leave, and he has physically prevented me from doing so, locking me in the house and shoving me to the floor whilst screaming. Our son who is now two sees this happening constantly and cries while he reaches for me. It makes me tear up just writing that because my son is the absolute light of my life. Entering into a room will get me screamed at by my husband- I’m too loud, I’m in his way, I’m not moving fast enough- everything sets him off.

Nothing I ever do is right. I’m too slow, or I’m too fast. I’m too loud, or I always mumble; I‘m “disheveled ****” but yet I “always did so much”. I am “a ****** checked out mom” yet I’m the “greatest mom ever”. When he says these things I truly stand there and think “What man who loves a woman calls her a “disheveled ****?” Truthfully. I’ll ask him and he’ll flat out tell me to “shut the ****-up”. He throws things on the floor and will yell “clean it up *****”

All of these things are just the tip of the mass of problems that occur. Both of our families are aware of the issues, they tell us both to be more communicative with each other and don’t support a divorce. Both sides (his family and mine) have single handedly either been victims of or have witnessed his verbal/emotional abuse. I have been clearly told that I shouldn’t ask for help if I decide to leave because it’s not the right thing to do for our son. I don’t even know where to take my next step. I’m tired of being screamed at. I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of being afraid. Nothing I say gets through to him. I cook every meal and serve it to him, do all of the cleaning and laundry and never ask him to help because I don’t mind doing it (honestly). Im in grad school for my second master’s degree, while juggling a career and a toddler and I do it with grace and pride. I know these things about myself. But why can’t I just cut the nonsense and pick up and just go? We’ve been to counseling and therapy together as well as apart. I still haven’t found it in myself to pick up and leave. I’ve asked him to leave multiple times and he refuses to. When I even bring up the notion of a separation things get so much worse. I don’t know what the answer is anymore. My son doesn’t deserve it but I am so terrified my husband’s retaliation would affect my son more than he’s affected where we are.

I’ve taken minor steps to prepare- have removed him as an authorized user on my credit cards, opened a separate checking account at a different bank than the one we jointly have an account at together. I have a backpack in my car with clothes for my son as well as myself in case it becomes “too much”. But I know my husband. I know him. I know 100% he will hunt me down, show up at my job and create a scene. In the state we live in, we can’t file for a restraining order based on emotional abuse, there needs to be a police report filed for physical abuse and even then it doesn’t guarantee a restraining order. He has stated openly that he will take my son and leave the country.

I have spoken to his psychiatrist about my concerns and he is concerned as well. His doctor feels as if he is manic with narcissistic tendencies and is concerned because my husband does not take his medication. He’s a brilliant engineer but believes the medication “doesn’t make him feel right”. I know I can’t help someone who doesn’t think they need help to begin with. I believe deep in my heart that if I take my son and leave one day that it will make it so much worse- even though logically I know that ISNT the case. I’ve never met someone who has made me feel so bad about myself but will then attempt to flatter me and tell me I do so much. Just today he threw a glass of wine in my face for accidentally knocking over his drink that was on the edge of the counter. He began shouting that I’m careless and stupid, I told him it shouldn’t have been left on the edge, he proceeded to laugh, open a bottle of Gatorade and pour it on the floor, while I was cleaning the spilled drink. It was in that moment that I felt something inside of me die. A piece of my pride just left me because I know I’m not lacking intelligence or common sense. My fear of leaving is from the financial crisis that will occur and the fear of him taking my son from me. We purchased a house a year ago and most certainly can’t afford to sell. Everything we have is wrapped up in our home and I believe he knows that and will use that to keep me here. He also knows I would walk through fire for my son and he is using him as leverage.

I apologize for the rambling. I’ve thought about this for such a long time. I just wish I had the courage to leave and never come back. I know leaving is the logical thing, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it.

Last edited by bluekoi; Aug 02, 2018 at 10:02 PM.. Reason: Add trigger icon. Profanity edit.
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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 01:38 AM
Please, as soon as you can, leave this man. Emotional abuse is still considered domestic violence, and you also said "shoving me to the floor" - that's physical abuse, though you may argue "too minor", it still counts. I'm very worried for you that it might escalate further. Moreover, I'm worried for your son watching his mother be abused like this and if he may be abused too. I'm also in complete shock that your family would find this acceptable... I have no kind words to say about that, it's no less than victim shaming.

An old friend of mine has a father who is quite horrible as well. His mother only got the courage to leave last year after enduring so much abuse. Both him and his sister have endured a lot of abuse, if not for him stopping his father multiple times both his mother and sister would have been much worse off. His mom had family she went to go stay with in another state and filed for divorce and a restraining order from there.

There are resources that can help. I checked on Google a bit, specifically for New York, and there are two links I thought I'd give you that you may find useful:
1. This group seems like the main one in NY for this - Safe Horizon | Domestic Violence
2. This page has a lot of info on how things typically go - Domestic Violence - New York Divorce Source
From what I'm reading there, you don't need to be physically assaulted and have police reports and whatnot, you just need to be able to back up your claims with dates and times with as many details as possible.

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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Kris58416 View Post
I’m not sure why exactly I went in search of forums. Maybe because I need affirmation of something I already know? Maybe it’s because I want to be told I’m wrong? Whatever the case may be, I know there are three sides to every story- here’s mine in a nutshell.

My husband and I have been married for two years. We’ve known each other for eleven, sparsely dated (if you could even call it dating) when we became roommates because we both needed a roommate and where we live, rents are insanely high. I always knew deep in my gut it was never meant to be but he always chased after me. Even when we were just “roommates” I had saw immediate signs of emotional abuse. It’s more of narcissism that controls his every move. His anger is far out of his control and he speaks to me as if I’m beneath him. About four months into living together we had gotten pregnant and while I didn’t want to marry, he thought it was right thing to do and so I went along with it. All through my pregnancy he was emotionally abusive, and still is
to this day. I’ve tried on many occasions to leave, and he has physically prevented me from doing so, locking me in the house and shoving me to the floor whilst screaming. Our son who is now two sees this happening constantly and cries while he reaches for me. It makes me tear up just writing that because my son is the absolute light of my life. Entering into a room will get me screamed at by my husband- I’m too loud, I’m in his way, I’m not moving fast enough- everything sets him off

Nothing I ever do is right. I’m too slow, or I’m too fast. I’m too loud, or I always mumble; I‘m “disheveled ****” but yet I “always did so much”. I am “a ****** checked out mom” yet I’m the “greatest mom ever”. When he says these things I truly stand there and think “What man who loves a woman calls her a “disheveled ****?” Truthfully. I’ll ask him and he’ll flat out tell me to “shut the ****-up”. He throws things on the floor and will yell “clean it up *****”

All of these things are just the tip of the mass of problems that occur. Both of our families are aware of the issues, they tell us both to be more communicative with each other and don’t support a divorce. Both sides (his family and mine) have single handedly either been victims of or have witnessed his verbal/emotional abuse. I have been clearly told that I shouldn’t ask for help if I decide to leave because it’s not the right thing to do for our son. I don’t even know where to take my next step. I’m tired of being screamed at. I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of being afraid. Nothing I say gets through to him. I cook every meal and serve it to him, do all of the cleaning and laundry and never ask him to help because I don’t mind doing it (honestly). Im in grad school for my second master’s degree, while juggling a career and a toddler and I do it with grace and pride. I know these things about myself. But why can’t I just cut the nonsense and pick up and just go? We’ve been to counseling and therapy together as well as apart. I still haven’t found it in myself to pick up and leave. I’ve asked him to leave multiple times and he refuses to. When I even bring up the notion of a separation things get so much worse. I don’t know what the answer is anymore. My son doesn’t deserve it but I am so terrified my husband’s retaliation would affect my son more than he’s affected where we are.

I’ve taken minor steps to prepare- have removed him as an authorized user on my credit cards, opened a separate checking account at a different bank than the one we jointly have an account at together. I have a backpack in my car with clothes for my son as well as myself in case it becomes “too much”. But I know my husband. I know him. I know 100% he will hunt me down, show up at my job and create a scene. In the state we live in, we can’t file for a restraining order based on emotional abuse, there needs to be a police report filed for physical abuse and even then it doesn’t guarantee a restraining order. He has stated openly that he will take my son and leave the country.

I have spoken to his psychiatrist about my concerns and he is concerned as well. His doctor feels as if he is manic with narcissistic tendencies and is concerned because my husband does not take his medication. He’s a brilliant engineer but believes the medication “doesn’t make him feel right”. I know I can’t help someone who doesn’t think they need help to begin with. I believe deep in my heart that if I take my son and leave one day that it will make it so much worse- even though logically I know that ISNT the case. I’ve never met someone who has made me feel so bad about myself but will then attempt to flatter me and tell me I do so much. Just today he threw a glass of wine in my face for accidentally knocking over his drink that was on the edge of the counter. He began shouting that I’m careless and stupid, I told him it shouldn’t have been left on the edge, he proceeded to laugh, open a bottle of Gatorade and pour it on the floor, while I was cleaning the spilled drink. It was in that moment that I felt something inside of me die. A piece of my pride just left me because I know I’m not lacking intelligence or common sense. My fear of leaving is from the financial crisis that will occur and the fear of him taking my son from me. We purchased a house a year ago and most certainly can’t afford to sell. Everything we have is wrapped up in our home and I believe he knows that and will use that to keep me here. He also knows I would walk through fire for my son and he is using him as leverage.
I apologize for the rambling. I’ve thought about this for such a long time. I just wish I had the courage to leave and never come back. I know leaving is the logical thing, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it.
—-get an attorney NOW. Plan out every aspect of leaving. Ask the attorney if it would be wise to do an intervention w his doctor, you, etc.
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Thanks for this!
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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 06:02 AM
Yes, please seek help and advisement. You need to leave this man, despite your fears. It will only continue and will worsen your own mental health and stability over time. Plus, it's not healthy for your son to witness domestic violence. He will grow up to model your husband's behavior in time. Your husband is not a proper role model. You are dealing with physical and emotional abuse. Do whatever it takes to leave him. You've already taken the preliminary steps.. now you need to follow through with an escape plan. I suggest seeking guidance from a counselor on your own. ((((Hugs))))
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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 01:56 PM
I agree with the posters who said please leave this person ((((((( hugs ))))))))

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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 04:37 PM
Emotional abuse almost always is a precursor to physical abuse as you have suffered now , how much is enough ?

Too many women stay in relationships like this and wind up in the hospital or dead. Your son deserves better as you certainly do.

Just get your ducks in order and leave it all.

You can get away from him, work with a local woman’s abuse shelter they know how to protect you and your son.

Just a thought if your son was in your situation what would you advise him? Men are abused also.

Stay safe

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Default Aug 03, 2018 at 06:21 PM
Thank you all.

If this were my son in this situation I would be telling him the same thing. I know I need to straighten everything out and leave for good. You all are awesome and so supportive
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